Sunday, September 23, 2012

My 1st attempt...

... at approaching a publishing house.

It took me some time to think on whether to submit my self publish book to them for reviewing, but I did it anyways.

Why did I have to think twice? Maybe cause I'm a skeptic. Skeptic of e-books.

Call me old school but I do not like e-books. I'm a big fan of paperbacks. I like the smell of new and old books, and I find it easier to read on a page instead of on a screen. Hence, I always have this picture in mind where I would find my book on a bookshelf. But hey, that can't happen over night right? Everyone has to start out somewhere. I would be so blessed if they would even consider publishing me.

I heard about Crooked Cat Publishing on another writer's blog. She got published  by them and she highly recommended them. They do e-books and Print on demand. And... they have such an awesome name too! Considering I love cats :)

According to their website, it takes about 8 to 12 weeks for them to get back to me. So till then, I'll just have to live by faith.

And if I don't get published, it won't be the end of the world. Many authors get turned down over and over again before they gain success, so it is normal to get rejected. Besides, I was rejected by the local book distributors, so I've had my first rejection already. I would handle the rest better. 

At the end of the day, if it is meant to be, it is meant to be. If not, God always has something better in mind :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I can't believe...

...I'm actually excited over a free online course site.

I'm not a nerd, nor do I love studying. But there are so much things I wanna learn that I can't, because my parents have already paid for my 4 year education, and some courses are not available in my country.

So when I found Coursera, I immediately signed up to be a couserian. The amount of free short courses available which are taught by lecturers from renown universities all over the world, is just like a box full of good chocolates.

Yes, I sounded like a nerd again. But hey, I wanted to learn about gaming, myths, archaeology, and space exploration; this is my chance.

Unfortunately, I have to finish up my current education, in which it is already paid for, before I can commit to the other short courses on that site.

Till then, I can't wait :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Geek Out!

It is finally here!!!!

In the beginning of the year, I got myself a Slytherin scarf. A month plus ago, I got myself a Mockingjay necklace, and it has arrived today! 

It has a much better quality than I expected and I'm really happy : ) 

The next thing I hope to get is something Targaryen. As of now, there's nothing Targaryen on E-bay that can be worn, so I'll just do some waiting, just like how I waited really long to get this one at a good price.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm in love with...

... Tang Dynasty dresses.

They are just so pretty! I intend on having my own (with a simple and elegant design; not a fan of the gaudy looking ones) and wearing it on my wedding dinner. 

The first time I saw a Tang Dynasty dress was when watching a Tang Dynasty TVB drama, "Beyond The Realm of Conscience", and since then, I only watch Tang Dynasty TVB dramas. I was never fond of modern day TVBs and I would only watch those of the olden days, but never was I so fond of their costumes. 

Hence,  I now look out for other Tang Dynasty TVBs so that I can download them and watch all 30 episodes for the following 3 days. 

(Wow.. I've mentioned Tang Dynasty too many times...)

Here's the list of shows I have watched and intend to watch:
- Beyond the Realm of Conscience ☑
- Can't Buy Me Love ☑
- House of Harmony and Vengeance ☑
- The Greatness of a Hero ☐ 
- Twin of Brothers ☐ 
- Lady Fan ☐ 
- The Legend of Lady Yang ☐  

Personally, I wish each series that I have watched could continue and not stop, just like American TV series'. If only they had seasons. 

So, if you're a TVB fan, try checking out the Tang stuff, they are indeed pretty awesome. If you don't understand Cantonese, then just read the subtitles like me :)